Product development

From idea to product

Our creative and innovative developers see themselves as value designers for our customers. The central challenge here is to transfer the design ideas arising from the upstream creativity and innovation processes into resilient product solutions. The requirement for our employees in this area, in addition to the application of specialist knowledge, is a high level of acceptance for new knowledge, as our pre-design ideas are often on the borderline of what is technically feasible.

M-CAD/E-CAD - NX for Design/AltiumDesigner

For this reason, we draw on diverse technical and scientific engineering disciplines and combine them to implement the demanding customer task. The goal is to generate added value for our customers, which enhances their products in terms of quality, serviceability, innovation and cost-effectiveness.

Our customers and suppliers are also closely integrated in this area via the project management tool, the CAQ software QSYS, and via various file exchange formats.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch!

Center +49 2241 2533 300 +49 2241 2533 300