By DFM we mean the ability to deliver new radio-based sensors for the industry with our IIOT sensor module kit, supported by intelligent product design. Thus, new IIOT solutions for the measurement of different measurands, e.g. temperature, pressure, motion, acceleration, force or humidity are created in a short time. A Bluetooth connection to the gateway, for example, serves as the radio link. Other network connections are also possible. Optionally, we also evaluate the possibility of energy harvesting at the measuring point, e.g. by integrating energy harvesting concepts. The development of customer-specific sensor nodes is the focus here. Our development solutions are either radio-based (Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, etc.) or already have communication-capable interface (I²C, SPE, CAN, Ethernet, BACnet, etc.).
Room temperature measurement cold room Modbus RTU
Room temperature measurement cold room Modbus RTU
Pipe insertion sensor heating monitoring