All employees, business partners, and all other persons affected by the activities of JUMO GmbH & Co. KG are called upon to report compliance violations or concrete cases of suspicion known to them. All employees are called upon to report this − preferably to their respective manager. Furthermore, JUMO's secure electronic whistleblower system is available to anonymously report possible or actual violations of laws or regulations. The system offers the possibility of anonymously submitting tips in writing or by telephone.
All tips will be treated confidentially. The information contained therein about persons and circumstances are only accessible internally to the employees who are required to process the transaction. If sufficient indications of possible compliance violations exist, they are investigated appropriately and immediately. Compliance violations are prosecuted consistently and appropriately. The person providing the information will not suffer any disadvantages as a result of a report. If it is possible to contact the person providing the information, the legally stipulated feedback deadlines will be observed.
Employees of the JUMO Group and external parties can also send information by email to the email address This may, for example, concern internal violations of laws or our Code of Conduct as well as those in the supply chain.